פידבק יתקבל בברכה!
בוטלג של הסופר-גרופ Transatlantic מהופעה בגרמניה ב-19 בינואר 2001.
האודיו לא מגיע מה-soundboard, אבל הוא מעולה באופן מפתיע (A או A-), והרבה יותר טוב מהבוטלגים של דרים שעברו פה.
גודל: 140מגה (במקום 1גיגה )
להורדה: http://www.sendspace.com/file/7l3bwu
Bridge Across Forever (1st Verse and Chorus)
Duel With The Devil
My New World
We All Need Some Light
Charlotte Pike/ Abbey Road Medley (containing "Walk On The Wild Side" with an MP Lou Reed/Yoko Ono/Mike Patton improv and accapella guitar solo)
Stranger In Your Soul
All Of The Above
Bridge Across Forever (final chorus)
פיסת מידע נחמדה לגבי ההופעה:
Duel With The Devil
My New World
We All Need Some Light
Charlotte Pike/ Abbey Road Medley (containing "Walk On The Wild Side" with an MP Lou Reed/Yoko Ono/Mike Patton improv and accapella guitar solo)
Stranger In Your Soul
All Of The Above
Bridge Across Forever (final chorus)
One of the funniest moments I've ever heard on a live recording. The band was chronically underrehearsed but usually managed to get through their complicated songs. However, on this night they completely fucked up a bit in the middle of Duel With The Devil and only "recovered" after about 30 seconds. When the song was over they jokingly tried to find out who was responsible for the fuck-up and finally decided to play the messed-up bit again (and only that bit). After this Mike Portnoy said something like "All you bootleggers out there. Just cut out this bit and paste it into the song and nobody's gonna notice we fucked it up." Hilarious......